How to Get Grout Cleaned

Get Grout Cleaned Professionally

Your best bet for grout cleaning or getting rid of stained grout is to seek help from professionals. You can try out grout cleaning services by Dirty Grout for long-term cleaning. In addition, we have a team of experts who can take care of all your grout cleaning needs.

Be it your kitchen or bathroom tiles; grout is present in both. Grout is used for gluing your tiles together, however grout gets stained very easily. And in bathrooms, grout gets stained because of residual soap and water. In the kitchen, spills are the major cause of staining.

get grout cleaned professionally

While cleaning stains from tiles is easy, sadly, the same cannot be said about grout. And stained grout can be stubborn and can make grout cleaning seem like an impossible task. But nothing is impossible, so how do you get grout cleaned?

Maintaining Grout Between Professional Cleanings

You can get your grout cleaned by using basic products that are easily available in your homes.

Here are some ways of maintaining your grout:

Use Home-Made Products

A mixture of simple products lying around in your home is enough to clean stained grout and restore the appearance of your tiles.

Warm Water and a Brush

This is as basic as it can get. You can clean grout stains by simply using warm water and a soft-bristled brush. Take a spray bottle and fill it up with warm water. Spray the bottle on the grout lines and scrub in circular motions. Once the water dries up, your grout stains should be gone.

Vinegar and Water

If simple water doesn’t work, you can add an equal amount of vinegar to the spray bottle. Spray equal parts of vinegar and warm water onto the grout and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Use a brush to scrub the stains out. This method is more suited for mild stains and heavy dirt.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the grout. Then pour some vinegar on top, and the mixture will start to foam. Once the foaming stops, use a brush to scrub the stains and rinse them out with water.

Using Bleach

Bleach is often used to get out stains; while it may be effective, bleach can be harmful to grout in the long run. Here are the two common types of bleaches that you can use, but only as a last resort:

Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach is quite effective in cleaning stained grout. But it is a strong product, so make sure when you use it the area has ventilation. After that, apply oxygen bleach solution to the grout and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. After the said time has passed, rinse out the bleach with water.

Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine bleach is very strong and should only be used in emergencies. Regular use of chlorine bleach on grout can damage it permanently. Furthermore, use a chlorine bleach spray to clean grout stains and rinse them out immediately.

Does Grout Cleaning Work?

Yes, Grout Cleaning Works

When you get new tiles installed, they are held in place with “grout.” Now, what is this grout, you ask? Grout is a highly porous material used as glue to hold your tiles in place. While it’s great that your tiles stay put, the downside is grout’s high porosity. You could say that grout acts like a sponge, only it absorbs dust, dirt, grime, and debris from its surroundings.  This often leads to grout stains which can affect the appearance of your tiles.

grout cleaning works

To get rid of the stains, grout cleaning is a must. But many people are concerned about whether or not grout cleaning works. Well, to answer that, if you clean your grout properly, grout cleaning works. Here are some of the best ways for grout cleaning:

Use DIY Cleaners

Rather than using harsh chemicals to clean grout, we suggest that you opt for DIY cleaners. It’s very easy to make grout cleaners with a bunch of supplies that are already sitting in your home.

Your best bet would be to use a mixture of warm water and dishwashing liquid. The mixture is effective in keeping grout clean and maintaining the appearance of your tiles. Additionally, you can also use a mixture of water and vinegar, but be sure to keep it diluted. A strong vinegar solution will end up damaging grout.

Use Steam

Steam is by far the most effective method of cleaning grout. When there’s soap residue along with dirt and dust left behind, it is not easy to get them out. The best way to clean your grout in such a condition is by using steam. Steam will loosen up any residual matter, and you can easily wipe it clean.

Get Your Grout Sealed

Grout sealing is the best way to prevent stains on grout. It makes grout cleaning easier and ensures that your tiles maintain their aesthetic appeal. There are several ways for grout sealing. You can seal your grout yourself, but we recommend seeking professional help in this case for better results.

Professional Cleaning is the best Solution

If all else fails to work, seek professional help. There are many companies out there that offer grout cleaning services. Hiring professional help will give you the best results because they know their way around things. Call Dirty Grout for a free consultation and find out how affordable it is to have your tile cleaned professionally. We have all sorts of grout-related services, including grout cleaning.

Our Final Thoughts

Grout stains are inevitable, and that’s why grout cleaning is important. Grout cleaning is a huge chore, but it must be done. Follow our tips for grout cleaning and seek professional help when needed to get the best results.

How to Clean Tile Floors Without Streaks

Cleaning Tile Floors Without Streaks

Do you want your tile floors to look shiny and streak-free but have been unable to accomplish this feat? Even if you clean tile floors regularly, the incorrect mopping technique and wrong cleaning solution can result in streaks on the surface, making your tiles look dirty and grimy.

Compared to other types of floorings, tiles are durable and relatively low-maintenance. However, cleaning tile floors requires patience and the right tools. Therefore, we have put together a guide on how to get a streak-free floor that all homeowners will find quite helpful.

how to clean tile floors without streaks
Image from

What You’ll Need

Here is all you need to clean tile floors without streaks:

  • Broom or vacuum
  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Vinegar or commercial cleaner
  • Spray bottle

Steps to Clean Tile Floors Without Streaks

Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure your floors look lustrous and flawless the next time you clean them.

Step 1: Sweep Loose Dirt

Loose dirt and debris can scratch and damage the surface of your tiles. They also increase the chances of streaks developing on the floor after you’ve mopped the area.

Therefore, it is crucial to sweep your tile floors before mopping them. Even if the floors look clean, spend a few minutes sweeping the room with a dust mop or broom. Starting from the furthest corner of your room, work your way to the entrance. Once you have reached the door, collect all the debris in a dustpan. Alternatively, you can vacuum the floors.

Step 2: Use the Right Cleaning Solution

Using the right cleaning solution is the key to streak-free tile floors. Depending on your preference, you can buy a commercial cleaner that is best for cleaning tile floors or mix ½ cup vinegar into a gallon of warm water to create a DIY cleaning solution.

Regardless of which option you choose, make sure the cleaner is not too weak or too concentrated. If it is not strong enough, you will not be able to clean tile floors properly. However, if it has a high concentration, it is likely to leave behind streaks or residue.

Step 3: Select the Right Mop

Though they may look somewhat similar, each type of mop serves a different cleaning purpose. For instance, sponge mops are ideal for cleaning spills and spots in a small area, whereas cotton string mops can clean large rooms. Similarly, spin mops can help remove stubborn stains, whereas microfiber mops are highly absorbent and an excellent option for cleaning tiles.

Both cotton string mops and microfiber mops are best for cleaning tile floors in residential settings.

Step 4: Improve Your Mopping Technique

When it comes to cleaning tiles, the mopping technique plays a huge role in developing streaks on the floor. If you are using a cotton string mop, dip it in the cleaning solution and wring out the excess liquid before cleaning the floors in a figure-eight pattern. When one side of your mop gets dirty, turn it over to the clean side. However, when both sides are dirty, make sure to wash the mop. Otherwise, you’ll only be spreading dirt around the room instead of cleaning it.

For a microfiber mop, spray a small section of the tile floor with the cleaning liquid and move the mop in an up-and-down motion. When the mop gets dirty, clean it in the sink to properly remove the dirt. Remember, using a dirty mop can also result in blotchy streaks on your tile floors.

Get Your Tile Floors Professionally Cleaned Today

If you want to restore your tile floors to their original sheen, the experts at Dirty Grout can help you. Please feel free to contact us for advice on how to clean tile floors and get your free estimate. You can also call or text at 941-457-4197 to get in touch with our team.

How To Clean Tile With Muriatic Acid

Do your tile floors look heavily stained and dirty? If you have already tried all cleaning tips and hacks but have still not been able to clean the grimy tiles and grout lines, it’s about time you give muriatic acid a chance. It is a slightly less potent variant of hydrochloric acid and is typically used as a last resort for cleaning tiles and grout when all other products have failed to do their job.

However, since it’s a very strong acid, you must proceed with caution.

To help you safely clean your tile floors and restore them to their former glory, we have put together a guide on using muriatic acid that you may find useful. Before we discuss the steps to cleaning tiles with this product, let’s take a quick look at what this acid does.

clean tile with muriatic acid

What is Muriatic Acid?

Muriatic acid is less pure than hydrochloric acid but still quite caustic. It is available in high concentrations in various home maintenance projects, such as cleaning concrete, metal, stones, and tiles. It is also beneficial for removing mold from different surfaces, particularly swimming pools. While extremely effective, please remember that using this acid should not be your first choice for cleaning grout and tiles. You should only use this substance if you’ve run out of options.

If not handled properly, this acid can cause a lot of damage. Since it is extremely strong, it can burn your clothes and skin. It can even eat through plastic and some metals. Moreover, the fumes from muriatic acid can be toxic and irritate your nasal passage and lungs.

How to Clean Tiles and Grout with Muriatic Acid

Here is a step-by-step guide on cleaning grout and tiles with muriatic acid.

Step 1: Make an Acid Solution

Take a bucket and fill it with one gallon of plain water. Next, slowly pour a cup of muriatic acid into the water. Make sure to put on rubber gloves and safety goggles while creating this cleaning mixture. Moreover, please do not add the acid into an empty bucket and fill it with water afterwards. Doing so can result in a vigorous chemical reaction, causing the water to boil.

Step 2: Apply Acid Solution on the Tiles

Use a paintbrush to apply the acid solution to the grout lines and tiles. Do not pour the liquid onto the floor or scrub it with a brush. Let the solution rest for a few seconds and watch out for any reaction. Refrain from leaving the tile floor unattended and keep your kids and pets away from the area. Leaving the solution on the floor for more than a few minutes may cause damage to the tiles.

Step 3: Rinse the Tiles

Once the stains get lighter and the grout lines start losing the grime, it’s time to rinse off the acid solution. You can use a bucket of clean water to wash the tiles thoroughly. Make sure to protect your skin and eyes while removing the acid solution.  

Step 4: Neutralize the Acidity

Now that your tiles and grout lines look cleaner, you should neutralize the remaining acidity. For this purpose, mix a cup of ammonia into a gallon of water. You can dip a clean cloth or sponge into the solution and apply it to the tiles. Wait for a couple of minutes before rinsing the surface with clean water once again.

Please note that both muriatic acid and ammonia can erode your tiles and damage the grout if you use them too often.

Some Jobs are Better Left to the Professionals

Cleaning grout and tiles require a lot of time, patience, and elbow grease. Moreover, most homeowners are not aware of which products can be harmful to their tiles. Therefore, it is always good to get in touch with professionals for a high-quality cleaning service.

Before you resort to using muriatic acid on your tile floors, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dirty Grout for some advice and a free estimate. Our team of experts specializes in cleaning tiles and grouts. You can also call or text at 941-457-4197.

What You Should Not Put on Tile Floors

Tile Floor No-No’s

Flooring is an important aspect of how your home looks to other people. It’s a part of construction that definitely takes up a large chunk of your budget. Therefore, protecting them from unnecessary damage can help enhance their durability.

If you look after your tile floors well, they can last a lifetime. Given how low maintenance they are, all you need to do is use some warm water and the right cleaning product to give it shine.  Cleaning them with the wrong product is among some of the common mistakes people make with their tiles.

A tile floor is usually cleaned twice a week to get rid of dirt and debris. While there are several guidelines explaining what you should do with them, not many focus on to avoid. This article will therefore focus on these Tile Floor No-No’s.

What you should not put on tile

What to Avoid Putting on Tile Floors

Scorching soaps

A scorching soap is not an ideal choice for a tile floor cleaner due to many reasons. First of all, such soaps have a strong impact on tiles, and they leave a film on the surface, affecting their overall appearance. Your tiles are susceptible to getting dull if they are cleaned using harsh soaps.

Acidic solutions

Solutions that contain acids, chlorine, and ammonia should be avoided entirely when it comes to choosing a tile floor cleaner. Even if they are used just once or twice, they can reduce the beauty of your tiles.


Next in line to avoid is bleach or any product containing bleach. Avoid using vinegar too. Because of its highly reactive nature, bleach can destroy any protective coating on your tile floor.


People often use scrubbers made of hard steel to scrub the tile surface. Such objects can cause your tile floor to have many non-repairable scratches.

Cleaners With Deep Colors

When choosing a tile floor cleaner, never go for the one with deep colors. They can put permanent stains on your tiles.

In the end, it is a good idea to seek professional help when it comes to dealing with tile-related problems. Whether they need cleaning or fixing of some sort, do not attempt to solve complex problems on your own.

Most homeowners don’t know what products to avoid putting on tiles. Consequently, a simple mistake leads to their money going down the drain. A good flooring professional such as Dirty Grout is all you need when it comes to seeking professional advice and high-quality tile cleaning services.

Dirty Grout has a team of trained professionals who specialize in cleaning tiles and dirty grout. Click here to learn more about their advanced cleaning methods and additional services.

How To Care for Tile Floors

Caring For Tile Floors Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Tiles are possibly the most common choice for indoor flooring and perhaps for good reason. They provide your home with a neat and clean look and are easy to clean and maintain. Moreover tiles are water resistant and all in all are a very durable option for homeowners to do their flooring with.

However, overtime even tiles can become subject to aging. This can happen via dust accumulation, spills, grout and other factors. This leads many to wonder how to care for tile floors. Although tiles are known to be durable, they require regular maintenance in order to maintain their natural beauty.

If you are worried about your tile floors losing their cleanliness and beauty overtime, we are here to help. There are a few important steps that we recommend you taking to maintain the overall health, beauty and overall longevity of the tile floors. So let’s get started on learning how to care for tile floors.

1) Use The Vacuum

Anyone who has had to perform regular cleaning of their personal space knows how much dust can collect on a surface within a few days. Tile floors are no different and as time passes by, dust can make your tile floor look old and grimy.

Use a vacuum cleaner to clean up dust on a regular basis in order to care for your tile floor.

2) Mop it up

Another important step in tile floor maintenance is to regularly mop up the surface of the tile floor. Although mopping with just water can do wonders when cleaning tile floors, using slightly soaped water will help maintain your tile floor’s natural shine and beauty.

Make sure you dry the floor adequately after mopping it to avoid dust settling on the damp surface again.

3) Clean Spills Off The Tile Floors ASAP

While tile floors are generally easy to clean, some kinds of liquids and foods can easily stain the surface if not cleaned up as soon as possible. In order to clean up such spills use an absorbent cloth and some disinfectant and wipe the surface down.

Certain substances like raw meat and eggs can leave heavy stains on a tile floor and will require more aggressive scrubbing. Make sure you mop the floor with water afterwards as you don’t want the corrosive disinfectant to discolor your tile floor.

Proper care for tile floors

4) Dealing with Dirt Grout

Tiles that are used to floor kitchen and bathrooms are usually extremely stain resistant. However, the spaces between the tiles tend to become discolored and grimy overtime which will take away from your tile floors overall beauty.

Grout control is a big part of cleaning tile floors. Grout lines can be cleaned using a solution of baking soda and water mixed into a paste and scrubbed into the tile floor. Do not use a metal scrubber as these could leave scratches on the tiles. Instead, use an old toothbrush with soft bristles to really get in there.

Grout control in an essential aspect of tile floor maintenance and should be done after every few months.

5) Avoid Wearing Shoes

Another huge part of tile floor maintenance is trying to avoid allowing too much dirt from outside into the tiled room. By having family members and guests take off their shoes before entering your tiled floor, not only will you maintain your floor’s cleanliness but you will be forced to clean it less frequently.


To sum up, tiles are quite possibly the easiest type of flooring to maintain. However, overtime even your tile floors can become victim to dirt, grease and aging. To the question, how to care for tile floors, we answer, regular cleaning is key. Following these simple steps can do wonders for tile floor maintenance and will give your tile floor the longevity you desire.

Why Hire a Professional to Clean Your Tile Floors?

Every beautifully tiled floor starts losing its luster after some time. Its overall appearance fades and gives off an untidy and unkempt look. Grout is the challenging part when it comes to tile cleaning. It is not entirely impossible to do it on your own, and there are many products available to pull it off.

However, hiring a professional to clean your tile floors can ease the work in many ways than taking the DIY route. Here are some reasons why it’s better and more feasible to hire a professional to clean your tile floors.

hire a professional to clean your tile


Tile cleaning is not exactly an easy job, especially if the area at hand is expansive. If you’re thinking about covering an extensive area on your own, it will cost you a lot of time.

The time you could have spent doing something more productive, such as running errands or preparing a good meal, would go into tile cleaning. In addition, there’s no guarantee of it turning out the way you had planned. Therefore, hiring a professional is going to save you a great deal of time.

Expertise in Tile Materials

Most homeowners have a common misconception that all tiles can be cleaned using the same material. However, that’s not entirely true.

Different tiles are made of different materials and should be cleaned with specific tools and products. For example, cleaning porcelain tiles is not the same as granite tiles.

Moreover, many homeowners make the mistake of overusing bleach or ammonia-based products for tile cleaning, which can cause discoloration. Also, using oil-based products can increase instances of falling and slipping.

Therefore, hiring a professional cleaner for tile floors will help your tiles get proper treatment. Professional cleaners also have the right knowledge and expertise to deal with a wide range of materials.

Original Quality Restoration

Replacing old flooring with new tile work every few years is not a feasible option. Instead, restoring the original appearance of your tiles by using the right professional service is reasonable as well as feasible. A Professional cleaner for tile floors doesn’t only clean your tiles and grout well but also uses professional-grade products to give them a brand new appearance.

An average homeowner needs professional-grade cleaning solutions, equipment, and expertise to clean and maintain their tiles properly. It is improbable for all of these to be available and attempting DIY approaches may bring more harm than good.

Therefore, when it comes to professional grout and tile cleaning, Dirty Grout is the expert you to ensure your flooring looks as good as new.

Centrally located in Cape Coral, Florida, Dirty grout provides safe and efficient services that enable them to clean and restore your grout and tiles meticulously. Call them today and have your floors receive the quality treatment they’ve been waiting for.

Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Professional Tile Cleaner

If the grout lines of your tile floor have gone from white to black, it is due time to hire a professional tile cleaner. They know exactly how to give your tiles a makeover and make them look brand new, increasing their durability and lifespan. You really need to think it through before investing in a tile cleaning company. Don’t be hasty with your decision.

professional tile cleaner

Here are a few questions to ask before hiring a professional tile cleaner. 

1. How many years of experience do they have?

This is an important question to ask all professional cleaning companies. If your selected company does not have the right experience in the field, it could turn out as a total disaster. You will not just waste your money and time, but it could also result in possible damage to your tile floor. So, just ensure that the professional tile cleaner you hire is experienced and an expert in the field.

2. What products, methods, and equipment do they use?

All professional tile cleaning companies have their own unique set of products and cleaning methods. Make sure that the tile cleaners you select are highly professional with the products they use, so there is no compromise on service quality or probable damage to your tiles. 

Some companies use heavy machinery for grout and tile cleaning, for example pressure washers and carpet cleaners, but this does not work well with all types of floors. A professional tile cleaner will only use high-quality materials to provide you with the best possible results without damage. Don’t be afraid to ask about how they clean tile floors, so you have a clear picture of what to expect. 

3. Do they provide any guarantee of their work?

This is a crucial question because if you are not happy with the cleaning job, you need to have some backup or guarantee to ensure that your money is not going to complete waste. Most tile cleaning companies have started providing job guarantees where they come back and do the cleaning again if the customer is not 100% satisfied. This also helps build a great level of trust between a customer and the professional tile cleaner.

4. Professional Tile Cleaners work practices?

It would be best if you get clarity about your professional tile cleaning company’s work practices to ensure that the rest of the house will not be a mess after they leave. Select a professional tile cleaner that knows how to protect the surrounding areas or items of your home, including carpets, furniture, cabinets, etc.

5. What does their contract cover?

If there is something on the tile cleaning company’s contract that you need further clarity on, don’t hesitate to ask them. Since your home, time, and money is at stake, you don’t want to take any major risks. It’s always better to have transparency and everything on paper in such cases.

Hire a Professional Tile Cleaning Company

These were all the crucial questions to ask before hiring a professional tile cleaner. Any reliable cleaning company would never shy away from answering all these questions. My Dirty Grout is one of them. We are a professional grout and tile cleaning company serving the SW Florida area. Our work speaks for itself. We are confident that once you avail our services, you would never look for another tile cleaning company. 

For more information, please contact us today.

How Often Should Commercial Tile Floors Be Cleaned?

‘I don’t like clean tile floors.’ said no one ever.

When it comes to maintaining and cleaning commercial tile floors, mopping alone is not enough as it only removes surface-level dirt. Commercial tile floors are more prone to wear and tear as they experience high traffic, gradually losing their charm. Hence, it is highly essential to get them professionally cleaned to make them shine and last longer. But the question is, ‘How often commercial tile floors should be cleaned?’ 

cleaning commercial tile floors

How Often Should Commercial Tiles Be Cleaned

Factors to Consider

Regular cleaning of commercial tile floors helps improve the look and appearance of your tiles and increases their life span in the longer run. The frequency of getting your commercial tiles cleaned is dependent on various factors. For each different type of tile floor, the cleaning approach will vary. Here are a few important factors you should consider when deciding how often to get your commercial tiles cleaned.

Tile Material

Flooring tiles come in various designs and materials. They are used depending on the look and feel of the place. Some common tile materials used in commercial locations or offices are carpet, wood, vinyl, or ceramic. Carpet and wooden tiles are used for a more warm and homely ambiance. Vinyl tiles are used in a more fast-paced and commercial environment, while ceramic tiles work great when you are looking for a more refined and elegant look.

As a general rule of thumb, all commercial tile floors need to be professionally cleaned at least twice a year. However, carpet tiles are supposed to be washed and deep-cleaned at least three times a year as they absorb more dirt and grease that cannot be cleaned by vacuum or mop alone.

Foot Traffic

Areas with moderate traffic such as lobbies, halls, and conference rooms should be professionally cleaned three to four times a year to maintain the tiles’ quality and durability.

When it comes to high foot-traffic areas like the entrance/foyer, bathroom, and cafeteria, professional tile cleaning should be carried out every month. To ensure a safe and hygienic environment free of excessive dirt and bacteria, it is quite essential to deep clean the floors regularly.

Exposure to dirt

How often you clean your commercial tile floors depends on how much it is exposed to dust. Areas with a higher footfall or more open spaces have more dust coming in than other indoor area. Such floors that are in constant exposure to dirt and dust should be professionally cleaned at least three to four times a year. Similarly, areas with moderate or little exposure should be cleaned at least two times a year.

Get Experts to Clean Your Commercial Tile Floors

Getting regular cleaning of your commercial tile floor by a professional cleaning service is extremely essential if you wish to restore the hidden glory of your floor. 

My Dirty Grout has a team of trained expert that provide professional tile cleaning services in the SW Florida area. Our professionals are highly skilled in making your commercial tile floor look as good as new. We also provide professional grout repair and maintenance services. To find out more about us and our services, please contact us today.

Is Cracked Grout a Problem?

What Can You Do About It?

Cracked grout is a common household problem that you can easily prevent and fix. Cracks and breaks in the grout may develop as a result of age but oftentimes, they occur because of improper tile installation or faulty grout mixing.                                                     

Why is Cracked Grout a Problem?

If you spot a crack or two in the grout, you must fix them before things go out of hand. When left unaddressed, these cracks may cause the tile to break. The longer you wait, the worse the situation will get. Ultimately, you will have to put in more effort and money into repairs. Needless to say, it is easier and cheaper to fix cracked grout than to install a new tile.

If you ignore the early warning signs, the cracked grout will affect the surrounding tiles, resulting in more cracks. Imagine how unattractive your wall, floor, or countertop will look with all those cracks!

cracked grout

Eventually, you will have to replace the whole tiling, which can be pretty expensive. Before you reach out to a professional for help, you may want to investigate the situation and get down to the root cause of the problem.

Common Causes of Cracked Grout

Oftentimes, cracked grout is caused as a result of the movement between two surfaces, resulting from foundation settling, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors. Since most grout is made of inflexible material, cracks may develop when one item moves one way and the other moves in the opposite direction.

Apart from this, mixing the grout with too much water or additives during the tile installation process can leave air pockets after it has completely dried. Such weak and brittle grout is susceptible to cracking. Another reason for grout cracking is the minimal use of adhesive for tile installation. If the tile detaches from the wall after the glue has fully dried, the grout may not be able to hold it in place and may crack.      

Pressure washing is also one of the most common causes of cracked grout. Many property owners opt for this procedure to keep their tiles looking like new without realizing that it can accelerate the process of grout cracking through over-saturation.  

How to Deal With Grout Problems

First and foremost, you must hire a professional and trained installer to do the tile and grout work for you. They will use good-quality grout and proven techniques to minimize the chances of cracked grout. In case you do spot any cracks, you must reach out to them to nip the issue in the bud before it ruins the entire tiling. Furthermore, you should avoid using a pressure washer to clean your tiles.

My Dirty Grout is the only grout and tile cleaning business in the SW Florida area that knows how to leave your tiling sparkling clean without cracking grout. Our experts use the state-of-the-art steam cleaning technique to get the dirt and grime out of your tiles. After cleaning, we apply a premium-grade sealer to protect the grout so it looks as good as new!

We also specialize in cracked grout repair and maintenance, saving you the time, money, and hassle of replacing the tiles. To learn more about our services, feel free to contact us today.